We are a grassroots organization of nonprofits working to preserve affordable, reliable U.S. Mail so that our Nation’s nonprofits continue to fulfill vital missions. Nonprofits are essential to our Nation, and affordable mail is essential to nonprofits. We use mail to raise funds, serve donors, members and beneficiaries, advocate, deliver publications, and achieve our missions. The Alliance has been completely independent for over 40 years, with 100 percent nonprofit governance. We are a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, non-partisan, and unaffiliated with any other association.
We inform policy-makers, regulators, legislators, and the USPS about nonprofits’ use of the U.S. Mail. Areas of focus:
Formed by a group of nonprofits in 1980, the Alliance is led by nonprofits for the benefit of nonprofits. We are unique in our laser focus on nonprofit postal rate-payers.
The Postal Service depends on nonprofit mail to:
If your nonprofit organization relies on mail at all, the Alliance is your first-line advocate. The Alliance is the resource run entirely by nonprofits that is dedicated, full-time, to looking out for the interests of nonprofit mailers. Now is the time, during the current regulatory review, for every nonprofit that uses mail to join the Alliance of Nonprofit Mailers. Ensure that your individual voice is heard loud and clear. The Alliance is that nonprofit voice for more than 40 years. Get involved--the Alliance will look out for your organization, too.
Our membership has saved us millions of dollars in postage so that we can put a larger share of the donations toward our mission of saving lives.
Alliance membership more than pays for itself, and it helps nonprofits achieve our critical missions. What could be better?
It gives me such peace of mind to know that day in and day out the Alliance is looking out for the interests of my organization and those of the entire nonprofit fundraising industry with the Postal Service.
Stephen Kearney Executive Director More about Stephen
Eric Berman General Counsel More about Eric